Monday, June 8, 2009

REMINDER: June 11th Discussion Night at the MPRC

Hello all!

Quick Reminder for the upcoming discussion at the MRPC:

Topic: Reincarnation / The After-Life or …‘whatever comes next’.
Date: Thursday June 11th 2009
Time: 18h45 to 20h45
Location: At Le Melange Magique on Ste.-Catherine, Montreal, QC.

-How do we perceive death? Why do some believe in reincarnation and other’s don’t? Is life consciously planned events, or random chance?

-Assuming we do return within a conscious, “I am” phase… why don’t we remember details of previous lives? Could the subconscious be the memory that our conscious mind cannot tap into? Is it nature or other forces that keep us from remembering? How do we explain the “déjà view” phenomenon? Which aspect of ourselves reincarnates? Can we reach a level that we “can” truly remember past lives without falling into the world of fantasy and imagination? Does the idea of reincarnation change our perceptions of “time” as we know it? Do we have energetic signatures that transcend/extend from the physical body that is “immortal”? What are our opinions on the evolutionary process of reincarnation; example from animals to humans to something else? If we believe in reincarnation, what about the possibility of “new souls” as humanity is expanding in number? Reincarnation and karmic principles, are we the judges of our challenges (cause and effect) or is there a higher law of natural order that we are forced to follow?

-Assuming we don’t return but our “composition” feeds other living organisms (as life consumes life) what happens to the “I”? Is there a spiritual dimension we all move towards? Do we evolve into some other life form? What transformation is believed to occur? Is this “after-life” implicit to life itself?

Looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces,


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