Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Celtic Lectures in March 2009

Celtic Paganism
March 17, 7:30pm to 9pm
Presenter: Robyn Stroll

Are the 'old ways' still alive? This discussion will explore how many of the older Celtic traditions are expressed in modern practices today. Celtic deities are often venerated by those seeking to reconnect their spirituality with the land, as are many of the practices and rites of worship. Are these neo-pagans really following the old faiths, or re-inventing them?

Join us to share your opinions and to explore whether or not the old ways are really still alive.
Women and Celtic Spirituality
March 24 7:30pm to 9pm
Presenter: Sonya Ocampo-Gooding

A Sheela-na-gig is an enigmatic medieval figure that is seen by some as an early feminist image and by others as an object of male oppression. This presentation will discuss the image of the "Sheela", its origins, and its role as a source of spiritual inspiration in the landscape of Ireland past.

The Sheela in the Killinaboy Church of County Clare will be considered in detail. A broader connection will also be explored between the Sheela and the "Mother Goddess" as a universal figure in various cultures of the world.

Both lectures are being held at:

The Anglican Church of St. Columba
4020 Hingston Avenue
(corner Notre-Dame-de-Grace Ave)
Montreal, Quebec
(514) 486-1753


Celtic Ceilidh in NDG on February 28th 2009

Note: This may not be a pagan event per se, but we know that many people are interested in celtic sprituality and celtic culture. It's a public event that you might be interested in!

The Anglican Church of St. Columba
4020 Hingston Avenue
(corner Notre-Dame-de-Grace Ave)
Montreal, Quebec
(514) 486-1753

Saturday, February 28
from 6:00 pm until 10:30 pm.
Tickets $12 for adults (children free)

The evening will start off with a dinner including Irish Stew and Oatbread, and a special Irish dessert. Beer and wine will also be available for purchase.

John David "Hobbes" Hickey, a professional storyteller, will entertain us in the time-honoured Celtic tradition. Also included in the festivities will be a Celtic band led by Jim McDermott who will invite us to share in the excitement of a traditional Celtic ceilidh, including music, dance, jokes and stories.

There will also be an opportunity to admire and purchase the works of skilled craftspeople at a mini-marketplace at the beginning of the evening.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pagan Sunday Brunch for February 2009

February 22nd, 2008, 10 am sharp
Orange Cafe ** NEW LOCATION **
4011, boulevard Décarie
Montréal (NDG)
(514) 487-5455
Breakfast: $5 - $10

The Pagan Sunday Brunch is moving location! We are trying a new cafe in NDG, conveniently located between Villa Maria and Vendome metro stations.

**IMPORTANT**: This cafe fills up very quickly, so make sure you arrive at 10am if you want to get a seat.

Come join your fellow pagans for brunch and socializing at the Orange Cafe. No level of pagan experience is necessary, but as long as you can wield a knife and fork like a guru master, you'll be respected and admired by your peers.

This is a kid-friendly event, so feel free to bring your offspring.

If you have any questions, email me at jdhobbes @ yahoo.ca. If you don't know anybody, don't fret. We'll be in the room on the right of the door, in the centre of the room.


The Orange Cafe is near the corner of Decarie and Cote Notre Dame, just north of Notre Dame.

BUS: Two options:
1. Get to Villa Maria metro and walk south on Decarie until you come to the corner of Cote St. Antoine. The Orange Cafe will be on your left. You can also take the 24 bus to the corner of Notre Dame.

2. Get to Vendome metro and walk north on Decarie until you come to the corner of Notre Dame. The Orange Cafe will be on your left.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

March Discussion Night: Magic versus Science

Good day!

The MPRC Discussion Night's are held every first thursday of every month.
Our next upcoming discussion will be:

Topic: Magic Versus Science
Date: Thursday March 5th 2009
Time: 19h00-20h45
Location: At Le Melange Magique on Ste.-Catherine, Montreal, QC.

Looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces,



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Imbolc

On behalf of the MPRC, I would like to wish you all a happy Imbolc! Although it's not readily apparent in our North American climate, spring is on its way! Maybe Brighid bless you and your loved ones.

Don't forget the public Imbolc ritual today at 2pm at Melange Magique!