Tuesday, September 29, 2009

REMINDER: October Discussion Night: Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings


The MPRC discussion night is held every first Thursday of the month at Melange Magique.

Reminder for this month:
Date: Thursday, Oct.01.2009
Time: 18h45-20h45
Location: At the MPRC in the Melange Magigue 1928 Ste-Catherine Ouest, Montreal
Topic: Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings
Cost: Zip nada! None.

To the ancestors Samhain and Beltaine were periods in which the veils would thin out, exposing us to possibilities of “otherworldly” encounters. Samhain approaching, time looses meaning in which past, present and future are blended. It is said that the dead (amongst other things) walk among the living…Do you believe in Ghosts and Hauntings? Have you witnessed or experienced a haunting? Are there different type of hauntings? Are all hauntings caused by a refusal in accepting death? Can hauntings be verified by Science? What about the “demonic” hauntings or possessions? Do you believe in channelling? How can we end unwanted hauntings or provoke one if wanted? Why is hauntings and visits from the dead so related to Samhain?

Come share your ghosts stories and spooky tales!


Monday, September 28, 2009

MPRC Blog Hiccup

This is a test post. Apparently, the MPRC blog has hiccuped. This should fix it, hopefully.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pagan Sunday Brunch for September 2009

September 27th 2009, 10 am sharp
Chez Dustys
4510 avenue du parc
Montréal, QC H2V 4E3
(514) 276-8525
Breakfast: $5 - $10

Believe it or not, fall is approaching! I'm not sure if the TamTams are still going on, but if it looks like the day will be warm enough for it, bring your drums and musical instruments because after breakfast, we'll be heading to the TamTams for some tribal rhythms!

Come join your fellow pagans for brunch and socializing. No level of pagan experience is necessary, but as long as you can wield a knife and fork like a guru master, you'll be respected and admired by your peers.

This is a kid-friendly event, so feel free to bring your offspring.

If you have any questions, email me at jdhobbes @ yahoo.ca. If you don't know anybody, don't fret. We'll be in the room on the right of the door, in the centre of the room.


Chez Dustys is near the corner of Mont-Royal and du Parc, across the street from the Petro Canada. Google Maps.

BUS/METRO/WALK: Two options:
1. Go to Mont-Royal metro (orange line) and walk West on Mont-Royal until you get to du Parc (takes about 10 minutes).

2. Get to Place des Arts metro (green line) and take the 80 bus and get off at the closest stop to Mont-Royal and du Parc.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Public Mabon Ritual on September 19th, 2009

Public Mabon Ritual
September 19th, 2009
Angrignon Park
meet at Angrignon Metro (Green line) at 12pm

Join us on Saturday, September 19th at noon in Angrinon Park to celebrate Mabon. We will honour the sacrifice of the God for a bountiful harvest.

We will meet at the Angrignon Metro at noon and together we will migrate to the ritual site. If you wish, bring drums and rattles along with some food to share in the post-ritual feast.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mabon Ritual: Angrignon Park September 19th at Noon.


A public ritual in celebration of Mabon will be held Saturday, September 19th 2009 at noon at Agrignon Park.

Here is a message from the Rituals Host:

"The Mabon ritual will be held on Saturday, September 19 at noon at Angrignon Park. We will meet at the metro entrance and then migrate together to the site.
There is no back up site if it rains. We will enjoy nature in all of her forms!

Please feel free to bring drums and some food for the post-ritual feast."


Friday, September 4, 2009

COMMUNIQUÉ: Programme de commandites offer par le CRMP

* SVP, diffusez ce communiqué n’importe ou vous jugez approprié *

Le centre de ressources païennes de Montréal est très fier de vous présenter son nouveau projet de programme de commandites. Avez-vous déjà voulu organiser un évènement à thématique païenne cependant vous n’aviez pas les fonds ni le support nécessaire pour mettre le tout sur pied ? Supporter les intérêts de notre communauté est une des raisons premières de l’existence du CRPM !

Au-delà du temps et de l’énergie donné pour une activité ayant comme but de faire profiter la communauté, pourquoi ces organisateurs devraient assumer l’entièreté du risque financier ? C’est pourquoi le processus d’application pour les commandites du CRPM est principalement conçu pour offrir du financement à ceux qui offrent ses services ou encore, organise des évènements touchant la communauté païenne de Montréal.

Les types d’évènements pour lesquels vous pouvez appliquer pour une commandite sont (toutefois ne sont pas limités à ces exemples):

- Rituels publics
- Conférences
- Lectures
- Intérêts artistiques
- Organismes communautaires

Pour de plus amples information à propos de ce nouveaux service que nous offrons, nous vous invitons à visiter notre page web en cliquant sur le lien “commandite” (à la gauche de la page web, ... traduction a suivre bientôt).

Le CRPM est engagé à supporter les intérêts de la communauté païenne locale. Nous devons supporter notre scène locale afin de solidifier nos liens.


Soirée Discussion: La sublimation des voiles: Fantômes et Hantises


La soirée discussion du CRPM a lieu tout les premier jeudis de chaque mois à la boutique Mélange Magique.

Date : Jeudi, le premier octobre 2009.
Heure : 18h45-20h45
Lieu : Au CRPM dans la boutique Mélange Magique 1928 rue Ste-Catherine
Sujet : La sublimation des voiles : Fantômes et Hantises.
Coût : Gratos !

Aux yeux de nos ancêtres, Samhain et Beltaine étaient des périodes durant lesquelles les voiles entre les mondes seraient sublimés, ouvrant donc la possibilité d’être exposé à des rencontres de nature extrapolées de notre réalité. À l’approche de Samhain, le temps semble perdre sa signifiance et les dimensions le définissant (passé, présent et futur) deviennent presque implicites. Il est cru que la mort, et d’autres entités, parcourent le monde du vivant…

Croyez-vous aux fantômes et aux histoires de hantise? Avez-vous déjà été témoin d’une hantise ? Y a-t-il différents types de hantises ? Ces phénomènes sont-ils tous générés par un refus de la mort ? Peut-on observer ses phénomènes en s’appuyant sur la science ? Qu’en est-il de l’aspect démoniaque attaché à la hantise et aux possessions ? Croyez-vous en la canalisation ? Comment peut-on mettre un terme à une hantise ou encore comment en provoquer une intentionnellement ? Pourquoi les hantises et les visites des morts sont des concept intimement liés à Samhain ?

Venez partager vos histoires de peurs avec nous !

October Discussion Night: Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings


The MPRC discussion night is held every first Thursday of the month at Melange Magique.
This month:

Date: Thursday, Oct.01.2009
Time: 18h45-20h45
Location: At the MPRC in the Melange Magigue Ste-Catherine
Topic: Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings
Cost: Zip nada! None.

To the ancestors Samhain and Beltaine were periods in which the veils would thin out, exposing us to possibilities of “otherworldly” encounters. Samhain approaching, time looses meaning in which past, present and future are blended. It is said that the dead (amongst other things) walk among the living…

Do you believe in Ghosts and Hauntings? Have you witnessed or experienced a haunting? Are there different type of hauntings? Are all hauntings caused by a refusal in accepting death? Can hauntings be verified by Science? What about the “demonic” hauntings or possessions? Do you believe in channelling? How can we end unwanted hauntings or provoke one if wanted? Why is hauntings and visits from the dead so related to Samhain?

Come share your ghosts stories and spooky tales!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ANNOUNCEMENT: The MPRC Sponsorship Program

*Please forward this announcement anywhere you feel it is appropriate*

The Montreal Pagan Resource Centre is very excited to announce our newest project: the MPRC Sponsorship Program. Have you ever wanted to put together a pagan-based event, but couldn't due to a lack of funds or support? This is one of the reasons the MPRC exists -- to support you in your community endeavours!

The MPRC Sponsorship Application Process is designed to offer financial support to those people who offer events or services to the pagan community that bring people together. Why should the organizers of these events bear the entire brunt of the financial risk? They have already committed their time and energy to the event for the benefit of the community, so it's not fair that they also take an unsupported financial risk.

The types of events or activities that you can apply for include (but are not limited to):

* Public Rituals
* Conferences
* Lectures
* Artistic endeavors
* Community organizations

Please click on the Sponsorship link on this website (in the sidebar on the right) for more information on this new service we are offering you, our community members.

The MPRC is committed to supporting local pagans in their community endeavors. A healthy community is only made stronger by the support of its members.
MPRC President

Pagan Discussion Night: Thursday September 3rd

What is a conspiracy theory exactly? Is it simply stories from individuals living high levels of paranoia? Are we influenced by all the entertainment based on such theories? Do you believe in theories such as those based around 9/11; Moon Landing Hoax; Area 51; The Illuminati; The Bermuda Triangle; Freemason Theories; The Vatican's Secret Archives; The New World Order; Roswells UFO Incident; Big Brother Theories; etc.etc.etc.
So many theories, so little time!! Come and share your views!

Thursday, September 3rd 2009, 6:45pm
1928 Ste. Catherine Street West