Monday, July 27, 2009

Ride to Kaleidoscope Gathering Fest


I'm passing this note along from Guylain Charron. Please contact her directly (

I left a message on the Kaleidoscope Gathering website, as well as at The Magical Blend Store email adress, I would like to let you know that if someone look for a ride to the KG site, I will be happy to give a ride to one person (maybe two but it will depend of the size of their luggages).

I will be living Longueuil (Montreal south shore) on Friday the 31st, around 12 o’clock (noon).

Guylain Charron

Friday, July 24, 2009

Pagan Sunday Brunch for July 2009

July 26th 2009, 10 am sharp
Chez Dustys
4510 avenue du parc
Montréal, QC H2V 4E3
(514) 276-8525
Breakfast: $5 - $10

Believe it or not, summer is progressing! Next week is the big fest (Kaleidoscope Gathering), so come out and socialize in the city before you spend the next week in a tent and far from civilised dining! Bring your drums and musical instruments because after breakfast, we'll be heading to the TamTams for some tribal rhythms!

Come join your fellow pagans for brunch and socializing. No level of pagan experience is necessary, but as long as you can wield a knife and fork like a guru master, you'll be respected and admired by your peers.

This is a kid-friendly event, so feel free to bring your offspring.

If you have any questions, email me at jdhobbes @ If you don't know anybody, don't fret. We'll be in the room on the right of the door, in the centre of the room.


Chez Dustys is near the corner of Mont-Royal and du Parc, across the street from the Petro Canada. Yahoo Maps.

BUS/METRO/WALK: Two options:
1. Go to Mont-Royal metro (orange line) and walk West on Mont-Royal until you get to du Parc (takes about 10 minutes).

2. Get to Place des Arts metro (green line) and take the 80 bus and get off at the closest stop to Mont-Royal and du Parc.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Apologies for missing my Thursday night shift

I've heard that a few people came by the MPRC tonight looking to speak to me. To those people I offer my apologies. Thursday is usually the night I show up for my shift (7pm to 9pm), but this week I was called away suddenly to attend to a family crisis in Quebec city.

Don't worry: it was nothing dire or disastrous, but I need to be in Quebec city to see my mum Thursday night.

If you came by to see me on Thursday night, please send an email to the MPRC email address so that we can make arrangements to meet at another time.

WARNING: I will definitely not be at my shift next week because I will be away at the KG fest in Ontario.
MPRC Big Cheese

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

REMINDER: One-Day Conference featuring Isaac Bonewits is this Saturday!

Don't forget that the tickets for the Fire in the Hearth conference are still available at Melange Magique (1928 Ste. Catherine St. West). For only $15, you get to meet some of the leading pagan movers-and-shakers including:

Isaac Bonewits
Dr. Brendan Myers
Linda Demissy
Dr. Shelley Rabinovitch

Get your tickets now because space is limited!

Fire in the Hearth
Pagan Thought in Modern Times

A One Day Conference
Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10 am to 5 pm
Bronson Centre,
211 Bronson Ave.,
Ottawa, Ontario

Thursday, July 2, 2009

MPRC's August Discussion Night: Out to Fest!

Hello folks,

As August is a jammed pack month, including the well know Fest Event of KG...we won't be holding a discussion night for August 2009. To all those attending KG, have a blast!

Back on track in September.
The topic will be posted at a later date.
