Monday, June 29, 2009

Reminder: Discussion Night July 2nd

Hello all!
The MPRC holds discussions nights on altering topics every first Thursday of the month. For the upcoming July discussion we have:

Topic: "Earthly Activism"
Date: Thursday July 2nd 2009
Time: 18h45 to 20h45
Location: At Le Melange Magique on Ste.-Catherine, Montreal, QC.

Mother Earth; nurturer, provider of shelter, grounding force when needed… in today’s time what is our relationship to Earth? Is it any different from that of our ancestors? What are our roles in this relationship? Have we neglected these roles? Are we paying attention to the needs in this exchange we have with the Earth? Are we the cause of the disruption in the Earth’s balance, or was it bound to happen regardless? Did we simply speed up the process? What differences can we make? Should we begin controlling human population? Who is making a difference and how? As pagans, are we any better in being attentive to the Earth’s needs? Have we become a "virus" to the Earth?

Looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pagan Sunday Brunch for June 2009

June 28th 2009, 10 am sharp
Chez Dustys
4510 avenue du parc
Montréal, QC H2V 4E3
(514) 276-8525
Breakfast: $5 - $10

Because summer is upon us, the Pagan Sunday Brunch is moving back to its original location! Bring your drums and musical instruments because after breakfast, we'll be heading to the TamTams for some tribal rhythms!

Come join your fellow pagans for brunch and socializing. No level of pagan experience is necessary, but as long as you can wield a knife and fork like a guru master, you'll be respected and admired by your peers.

This is a kid-friendly event, so feel free to bring your offspring.

If you have any questions, email me at jdhobbes @ If you don't know anybody, don't fret. We'll be in the room on the right of the door, in the centre of the room.


Chez Dustys is near the corner of Mont-Royal and du Parc, across the street from the Petro Canada. Yahoo Maps.

BUS/METRO/WALK: Two options:
1. Go to Mont-Royal metro (orange line) and walk West on Mont-Royal until you get to du Parc (takes about 10 minutes).

2. Get to Place des Arts metro (green line) and take the 80 bus and get off at the closest stop to Mont-Royal and du Parc.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tickets for Fire int he Hearth are now available in Montreal!

The tickets for the Fire in the Hearth conference are now available at Melange Magique (1928 Ste. Catherine St. West). For only $15, you get to meet some of the leading pagan movers-and-shakers including:

Isaac Bonewits
Dr. Brendan Myers
Linda Demissy
Dr. Shelley Rabinovitch

Get your tickets now because space is limited!

Fire in the Hearth
Pagan Thought in Modern Times

A One Day Conference
Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10 am to 5 pm
Bronson Centre,
211 Bronson Ave.,
Ottawa, Ontario

Monday, June 15, 2009

REMINDER: Public Summer Solstice Ritual this Saturday at 1pm!

I just checked the weather network and the long term forecast says sunny with a high of 27 degrees. The Sun God is with us!

Saturday, June 20th 2009, 1pm
Angrignon Park, Lasalle
Meet at Angrignon Metro (Green line) at 12:30pm

Bring your drums and picnic stuff!
Bring your sunblock!

Friday, June 12, 2009

July 2nd 2009: Discussion Night Topic: "Earthly Activism"

Hello all!

The MPRC holds discussions nights on altering topics every first Thursday of the month.

Topic: "Earthly Activism"
Date: Thursday July 2nd 2009
Time: 18h45 to 20h45
Location: At Le Melange Magique on Ste.-Catherine, Montreal, QC.

Mother Earth; nurturer, provider of shelter, grounding force when needed… in today’s time what is our relationship to Earth? Is it any different from that of our ancestors? What are our roles in this relationship? Have we neglected these roles? Are we paying attention to the needs in this exchange we have with the Earth? Are we the cause of the disruption in the Earth’s balance, or was it bound to happen regardless? Did we simply speed up the process? What differences can we make? Should we begin controlling human population? Who is making a difference and how? As pagans, are we any better in being attentive to the Earth’s needs? Have we become a "virus" to the Earth?

This documentary called “Home” is worth your time. It's available in many languages, simply scroll down for the multiple options.

Looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces,

Monday, June 8, 2009

REMINDER: June 11th Discussion Night at the MPRC

Hello all!

Quick Reminder for the upcoming discussion at the MRPC:

Topic: Reincarnation / The After-Life or …‘whatever comes next’.
Date: Thursday June 11th 2009
Time: 18h45 to 20h45
Location: At Le Melange Magique on Ste.-Catherine, Montreal, QC.

-How do we perceive death? Why do some believe in reincarnation and other’s don’t? Is life consciously planned events, or random chance?

-Assuming we do return within a conscious, “I am” phase… why don’t we remember details of previous lives? Could the subconscious be the memory that our conscious mind cannot tap into? Is it nature or other forces that keep us from remembering? How do we explain the “déjà view” phenomenon? Which aspect of ourselves reincarnates? Can we reach a level that we “can” truly remember past lives without falling into the world of fantasy and imagination? Does the idea of reincarnation change our perceptions of “time” as we know it? Do we have energetic signatures that transcend/extend from the physical body that is “immortal”? What are our opinions on the evolutionary process of reincarnation; example from animals to humans to something else? If we believe in reincarnation, what about the possibility of “new souls” as humanity is expanding in number? Reincarnation and karmic principles, are we the judges of our challenges (cause and effect) or is there a higher law of natural order that we are forced to follow?

-Assuming we don’t return but our “composition” feeds other living organisms (as life consumes life) what happens to the “I”? Is there a spiritual dimension we all move towards? Do we evolve into some other life form? What transformation is believed to occur? Is this “after-life” implicit to life itself?

Looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces,

One-Day Conference featuring Isaac Bonewits

Fire in the Hearth
Pagan Thought in Modern Times

A One Day Conference
Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10 am to 5 pm
At the Bronson Centre,
211 Bronson Ave.,
Ottawa, Ontario

Guest of Honour:
Isaac Bonewits

Arch Druid Emeritus and Founder of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship
Author of REAL MAGIC (1989)
Neopagan Rites (2007)
Essential Guide to Druidism(2006)

Special Guests

* Dr. Brendan Myers
o Author of
+ The Other Side of Virtue (2008)
+ A Pagan Testament (2008)
+ Mysteries of Druidry (2006)

* Linda Demissy
o past Preceptor, ADF Seers
o Senior Druid Silver Fox Grove
o Linda's book of Pagan Chants

* Dr. Shelley Rabinovitch
o Prof Magic and Occult Phenomena Course, University of Ottawa
o Co-Author of
+ Encyclopedia of Modern Witchcraft & NeoPaganism (2004)
+ An' Ye Harm None: Magical Morality & Modern Ethics (2004)

Admission is only $15
Available at Pagan Brunches, and other Ottawa Local Pagan events from
Red Maple Grove Members (more information on purchasing tickets coming soon!)

More info:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

EVENT: Litha/Summer Solstice Public Ritual

sponsored by the MPRC

Saturday, June 20th 2009, 1pm
Angrignon Park, Lasalle
Meet at Angrignon Metro (Green Line) at 12:30pm

The Summer Solstice is upon us, so join us as we celebrate this momentus occasion as the God and Goddess reap the bounty of the season.

Rather than just a simple ritual, we've decided to make an afternoon of it and enjoy a picnic in the park. Festivities will begin with an opening ritual to invite the Gods to join us, followed by a potluck feast for all, and drumming, dancing, and maybe even some storytelling. The more drums we get, the better the drumming will be, so bring out your drums and we'll get a real beat going!

We haven't worked out the ritual details just yet, and we haven't picked the spot yet either. But stay tuned to this page and you'll get the updates as they become available.

What to bring:

Feast food to share
Feast gear (plate, cup, utensils)
Drum (or other musical instrument)
Stuff to enjoy a day in the sun in a park!
(sitting blankets, frisbees, chairs, sunblock, shades, etc.)

If you have any questions, contact Hobbes at jdhobbes(at)

Cité Zen Urban Drumming - Drumming Workshop

The Magical Blend in collaboration with Cité Zen Urban Drumming are please to announce their debut drum circle workshop! This is an open class, no previous musical experience required. Just bring your enthousiasm! ! Basic tam tam drumming techniques will be demonstrated with emphasis on group playing. This is a non traditional, high energy, maximun fun percussion activity! The theme is "Access to music for ALL!" We provide a beautiful djembe for you if required, or you may of course bring any of your own drums. (Drum reservations required 48 hours in advance @ Melange Magique)
For more information please do not hesitate to contact James Olmsted at 514-826-1607, or write james.olmsted@ videotron. ca
Sunday, June the 14th, 1-3pm $30

*Registration and workshop location is at Le Melange Magique.